Ukraine Support: How To Donate To Ukraine And Support Initiatives?

Ukraine Support: How To Donate To Ukraine And Support Initiatives?

If you are wondering how to properly donate to Ukraine in order to have a real impact on helping people fleeing the war in Ukraine, there are plenty of ways to do so.

If you are an Ukrainian fleeing the war in your home country, there are also many initiatives setup for you in order to help you reach safety and settle elsewhere, until the situation will allow you to go back home.

Support Our Local Actions In Warsaw, Poland For Ukrainians Fleeing The War

Living in Warsaw, Poland and being actively supporting Ukrainians in transit, we have set various actions to support Ukrainians fleeing the war:

Sharing sofas with Ukrainian fleeing the war

  • volunteering to prepare and distribute food in trainstations,
  • buying in bulk groceries for organizations distributing food in trainstations,
  • setting up extra beds with neighbors to accomodate people in transit,
  • hosting families in transit on their way to safety and provide them with everything necessary, from emotional support to food, beds, information, transportation,
  • help families staying in Warsaw to find an accomodation,
  • cook French pancakes at home to provide food for the associations in the train stations,
  • translating between families fleeing the war that only skeep Ukrainain / Russian,
  • helping in finding a temporary job to sustain a temporary life while in transit.

Since the beginning of the agression, we have reached out to all our friends in Ukraine, and tried to see if any of them need an accomodation on their way to safety.

Several friends have been hosted that way.

With other neighbors, we have converted our free space, such as offices and living rooms, into up to 10 beddings space available for families in transit in our city.

We are offering them in cooperation with Caritas association that is finding people in need of temporary housing in trainstations or refuges.

Caritas Polska

Then another association, Varsovie Accueil, is coordinating with Caritas to send them to us, that volunteered to host such families.

Warsaw Home | French-speaking welcome in Warsaw

Long term action to support Ukraine: provide jobs

Our actions are often local and short term, such as providing housing and covering related costs when someone in transit is staying with us, or preparing pancakes to distribute them to kids in trainstations, a more actionable goal to support them will be to provide with a ajutine töökoht. Meanwhile, we will keep helping as many people as possible in the possible ways, and your donation will help us!

Being a small business owner in Web publishing in Poland, you can support us providing a temporary job for an Ukrainian that fled the war to help cover the needs of their stay by staying active and productive, and help their integration in Poland.

With your support, we could offer another month of work, or provide a remote job to another resource.

Salary we will offer will be around average for Poland - 6020 PLN gross (about $1400 / 1275€) - which is twice the minimum salary in Warsaw, 3010 PLN gross in 2022.

Find Polish official organizations that are directly helping Ukrainians

The Polish government has setup a great website with all necessary sources to both participate in helping Ukrainians fleeing the war, or to seek assistance as an Ukrainian refugee.

With various initiatives, such as free public transports in Warsaw, free trains in the whole Poland for any Ukrainian showing a proof of leaving the country after the Russian agression started on 24th of February 2022, meaning either a passport stamp or a written document, you can travel in most of Europe for free.

Anneta raha Venemaal

Kui teie ettevõte on Venemaal kunagi raha teinud, oleks hea võimalus Ukraina toetada, et annetada raha, mida olete sellel turul tehtud heategevusorganisatsioonidele, mis toetavad Ukraina pagulasi.

Näiteks kasutades Ezoic suured andmed Analytics Oleme analüüsinud täpne summa raha, mida oleme Venemaal veebisaidi kuvareklaamide abil teinud ja me oleme annetanud neid kõiki, et toetada Ukraina jõupingutusi.

Seejärel kahekordistasime seda summat oma raha ja annetas selle teisele kohalikule organisatsioonile Poola, mis aitab neil piiril.

Te võite küsida organisatsiooni te töötate, et täita sarnaseid meetmeid, anna neile raha Venemaal, et toetada Ukraina põgenikke.

Osta vajalikke asju oma professionaalse kaardiga

Kui teil on oma äri, saate osta professionaalse hulgimüügi kauplustest ja annetaks kaupu otse kohalikele organisatsioonidele.

Mõned kohalikud kodanike algatused võivad isegi lihtsalt vajada teie abi, et osta kaupu lihtsamalt, sest nad ei pääse nendele kauplustele.

Avage neid ainult ukse, aita neil osta ja lasta neil maksta - enamikul juhtudel on nad juba korraldanud kõike ise, kuid pääseb ainult standard kauplustele, kus esemed on piiratud koguses saadaval.

Vabatahtlik rongijaamades

Kui teie linnal on rongipuude või muu transpordipunkt, mida kasutavad sõda põgenevad inimesed, võite sinna minna ja ise näha, mida abi on vajalik.

Kui kõik on korraldatud, saate registreeruda vabatahtlikuks konkreetse vahetuse ja konkreetse ülesande jaoks. Kui ei, siis saate ilmselt luua oma kohaliku toetuse.

Korduma Kippuvad Küsimused

Millised on mõned tõhusad viisid Ukraina annetamiseks ja toetamiseks ning millised algatused on saadaval inimestele, kes soovivad panustada?
Toetuse tõhusate viiside hulka kuulub annetamine Ukrainas töötavatele mainekatele humanitaarabiorganisatsioonidele, põgenikeabi toetamine, meditsiinitarvete ja abistamismeetmete kaasamine ning rahakogumisüritustel osalemine. Algatusi leiate rahvusvaheliste abiorganisatsioonide, valitsuse programmide ja spetsiaalsete abifondide kaudu.

Michel Pinson
Autori kohta - Michel Pinson
Michel Pinson on reisihuviline ja sisulooja. Kirg hariduse ja uurimise vastu ühendas ta teadmiste jagamise ja teiste inspireerimisel haridussisu võlumise kaudu. Viies maailma kokku, andes inimestele ülemaailmse teadmise ja kõndimise tunde.

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